
Honing Your Skills In Management Is Part Of Becoming A Clear Communicator

There are a lot of training courses for managers that help them improve their skills in the areas of leadership, motivation, team-building and communication. If you want to know how to sharpen your skills in leadership, motivation or team-building, though, you first need to know how to communicate clearly. Without this specific trait, you will have a difficult time upgrading your skills in other management areas.

In order to understand how to manage, you have to learn the definition of communication. Although the definition is a simple one, we often think, when we start communicating, that communication can be quite complex. Communication falls under various classifications, some of which may occur at the same time.

Verbal Communication

One of the major types of communication that managers must know is the spoken word or verbal communication. This form of communication includes face-to-face contacts, telephone communication, television, and radio and media-type communications.

Written Expression

Written communications take the form of e-mails, books, magazines, letters, online content and similar media. Communication is also presented in the form of charts and graphs, logos, maps and other visualisations that feature images.

Interpersonal Communication

Regardless of the kind of communication that is used, the goal is to produce a by-product known as understanding. Interpersonal communication is a process that involves the basic negotiation of the participants so they all can come to a realisable agreement. Therefore, knowing how to communicate interpersonally is a key requisite when pursuing management training courses.

Both the receiver and sender then play vital roles in communicating. When the participants communicate face-to-face, the roles of receiver and sender are not definite as the parties may communicate in subtle ways, unintentionally using body language or certain vocal tones.

Written communication, however, is more distinct, especially when people are able to go online and express their thoughts and ideas. With that being said, a misunderstanding can happen during any phase of the communications process. Effective communication then entails minimising any potential for a misperception and overcoming any of the barriers that can lead to a misunderstanding.

Reaching an Agreement

When you communicate well, you not only understand the other party, you are able to select the proper channel of communication to use in order to prevent misunderstandings.  To further underscore his message and make himself clear, a good communicator will also seek out some type of feedback from the recipient, making sure that he communicated clearly to reduce the possibility of confusion. Clarifying the receipt of the messages should be done to make sure the message was correctly understood.


The theoretical idea behind communication defines this form of expression as a method that involves a receiver, sender and communication channel. The communication channel represents how one communicates. Multiple communication channels are available for communicating, including face-to-face communications, text messaging, e-mail, the Internet, and telephone calls. You can also include such channels as social media, TV, radio, written letters, reports and brochures.

Needless to say, selecting a proper channel of communication is essential for effectively communicating and managing a business. Each channel, you will find, has its varying weaknesses and strengths. For instance, if you broadcast any news worthy event by way of a letter, you might reach only one or two people. On the other hand, conveying complicated technical data is better facilitated by way of printed content versus a verbal discussion. .

Encoding Messages

All messages that are communicated must be encoded so they can be transmitted by the right channel of communication. We all practice this type of communication when we transfer our abstract ideas and thoughts into the spoken word or by means of writing. However, encoding cannot be conveyed clearly if the content is a report and broadcast over the radio or if an article is written in abbreviated text – the kind that is used in text messaging. In addition, any complex data should use a channel of communication represented by visualisation, such as a chart or graph.

A Major Communications Skill

Efficient bosses and communicators encode messages with their intended listener in mind, including the communication channel. To facilitate the process, the appropriate language must be used and the message must be direct and succinct. Therefore, successfully encoding a message is a major skill used by effective communicators and managers.

Being Prepared

If you know how to encode a message, you also have to be adroit at decoding it. While it does not take a special decoder ring, it does take the ability to understand the message’s context. The successful communicator and manager learns how to decode messages by anticipating the varied sources of potential miscommunication.

Decoding a Message – A Practiced Skill

Any receipt of a message typically confirms how the message was understood by using both non-verbal and verbal behaviours. An effective communicator should pay particularly close attention at this juncture as this is the only way to make sure the message is completely understood.

The extent of feedback will differ according to the type of communication channel that is used. For instance, any feedback during face-to-face communication is immediate whilst feedback to messages transmitted over the radio will be delayed or channelled through another type of media, such as the web.

Supporting Your Other Management Abilities and Skills: Why Communication is Important

When you become well-seasoned in communications, the skills of team-building and motivation fall into place quite nicely. Therefore, to be a good manager and leader, communication is a supporting skill – one that you need to keep perfecting throughout your management career. Skills in leadership and motivation come easier when you understand how communications can be enhanced or how poor writing and speaking can be prevented.

Relating to Your Staff – Encouraging Them in Their Work

For example, if you motivate a team, you have to be able to understand (communicate) and relate to them sympathetically. Sympathy is an essential characteristic of good managers and communicators. Getting rid of stereotypes, listening objectively and asking for feedback enables a manager to receive optimum performance from his staff or team.

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